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"The impediment to action advances action, what stands in the way becomes the way” - M Aurelius

Ex-Special Boat Service (SBS) & Performance Coach

The question of how we get the best out of ourselves, when it matters, when the pressure is on, has been at the heart of my career, study and application of the 'mental game' for over 20 years. 


It is an obsession. An obsession that initially led me to join the Royal Marines before serving in the UK Special Forces and to eventually work in the field of performance psychology and performance coaching. 

These years of personal study and application culminated in me undertaking an intensive mentorship programme with one of the world leaders in performance psychology, Dr Don Greene and ultimately to the development of my work at Mann on a Mission.

And so my obsession and mission now is to help others break through their self perceived limitations of performance capabilities.


To realise their full potential in whatever field it is. To overcome fears and doubts. To create deep rooted confidence. To compete and succeed while living with greater levels of ease, passion and courage.

"Richard exemplifies so much of what we talk about when we talk about performance. He has a holistic approach to how we can function at our best that involves lessons applied from truly high pressure settings. What’s more, he’s accessible, humble, and a pleasure to talk to and share ideas with as they can be translated into everyday lives and workplaces."

Dr. Glenn Fox - Head of Program Design, Strategy, and Outreach at the USC
Performance Science Institute.

"Richard has a rare blend of experience and expertise that makes him an exceptional individual to work with. He applies his knowledge and coaching in a thoughtful, innovative and considered way which maximises its effect. The positive impact he has on the performance of athletes, leaders and teams is extraordinary."

John Steele - Executive Director of Sport, Loughborough University

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